Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Government in Africa

   Government Systems                                      
Unitary- Power is held by one

Confederation- Association of independent states that agreed to certain limitations on there freedoms by joining together

Federal- Power divided by Central Authorities and several Regional Authorities 

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   Government types                                       

Autocracy- One person possesses unlimited power and citizens have limited roll in the government

Oligarchy- Small group exercises control and citizens have limited roll in government

Democracy- Supreme power is vested in the people and exercise by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation involving free elections

Monday, December 7, 2015

Aids in Africa

What I know about aids is that aids is super deadly and thousands of people a day in Africa. Aids is spread thought sexual content and and it cant be cured but treated. People in Africa can't afford the medicine to cure aids so I think the medicine should be cheap enough for the people of Africa. Some symptoms are throw up, headache, skin rash, sore throat, red blotches, and sores and swollen. 

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Image result for aids

Friday, December 4, 2015

South Africa and Nigeria Economy

                                                                    South Africa 

 Economic System: Mixed Economy
Image result for south africa money

Natural Resources: Gold, Coal, Iron ore, Nickel, Tin, Diamond, Uranium, Copper, Salt, natural Gas
Image result for south africa natural resources

Arable land: 9.9% arable land    Corn, Wheat, Sugarcane, Fruit, Vegi, Beef, Wool, Dairy Products
Image result for south africa natural wheat

Industries: Mining Materials is automobiles, metal working, textiles, iron and steel, chemicals, fertilizer, food stuffs, commertial ship repair
Image result for south africa natural mining

Exports: Gold, Diamonds, Platinum, other metals, Minerals, machinery, and equipment
Image result for south africa natural minerals

Literacy Rate: 93% of people can read
Image result for south africa read

Unemployment and 
Poverty: 22.7% is unemployment and poverty is 31.3%
Image result for south africa poverty

GDP: 592 billion ranked 26th in the world
Image result for south africa gdp


 Economic System: Mixed Economy
Image result for nigeria money

Natural Resources: Natural gas, petroleum, tin, iron ore, coal, limestone, lead, zinc
Image result for nigeria limestone

Arable land: 38.7% is arable  Cocoa, peanuts, cotton, corn, rice, yams, rubber, sheep, goats,pigs, timber, and fish
Image result for nigeria arable land

Industries: Crude oil, coal, tin, rubber products, wood, textiles, cement, food, footwear, chemicals, fertilizer, printing, and steel
Image result for nigerian industries

Exports: Coco and rubber
Image result for nigerian cocoa and rubber

Literacy Rate: Men 72.1% Women 50.4%
Image result for nigeria literacy rate

Unemployment and 
Poverty: Unemployment 23.9% Poverty 70%
Image result for nigeria poverty

GDP: 455.5 billion and 31st in the world
Image result for nigeria gdp