Location: Northern Africa
Ancestry: Arab people came to Africa in the later 600s when the Muslims. Wherever they went, they took our language with them
Religion: Most Arabs practice Islam
Location: West Africa
Ancestry: In 1701, A meeting of all Clan Leaders was held. In this meeting, A Golden Stool was sent from the Heavens by a Priest and landed on Osei Tuto
Region: Ashanti believes in a Supreme God who takes on various names depending upon the Region and worship
Language: The Major dialect of the Ashanti language is called "Ashante or Twill"

Location: Central and South Africa
Ancestry: The Bantunu originally came from South-East, Nigeria, and Cameroon and spread east and south near Cimbia
Religion: Some are Muslims and other ares Christians
Language: There are 650 Bantu languages

Location: Southern Coast of East Africa
Ancestry: It started along the coast of east Africa
Religion: Islma
Language: Swanil language

Language: The Major dialect of the Ashanti language is called "Ashante or Twill"
Location: Central and South Africa
Ancestry: The Bantunu originally came from South-East, Nigeria, and Cameroon and spread east and south near Cimbia
Religion: Some are Muslims and other ares Christians
Language: There are 650 Bantu languages
Location: Southern Coast of East Africa
Ancestry: It started along the coast of east Africa
Religion: Islma
Language: Swanil language