Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Africa Ethnic Group SS7G3

Location: Northern Africa
Ancestry: Arab people came to Africa in the later 600s when the Muslims. Wherever they went, they took our language with them
Religion: Most Arabs practice Islam
Language: Arabic language

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Location: West Africa
Ancestry: In 1701, A meeting of all Clan Leaders was held. In this meeting, A Golden Stool was sent from the Heavens by a Priest and landed on Osei Tuto
Region: Ashanti believes in a Supreme God who takes on various names depending upon the Region and worship
Language: The Major dialect of the Ashanti language is called "Ashante or Twill"

Image result for ashanti in africa
Location: Central and South Africa
Ancestry: The Bantunu originally came from South-East, Nigeria, and Cameroon and spread east and south near Cimbia
Religion: Some are Muslims and other ares Christians 
Language: There are 650 Bantu languages 
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Location: Southern Coast of East Africa 
Ancestry: It started along the coast of east Africa
Religion: Islma
Language: Swanil language

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Friday, November 6, 2015

Africa Population SS7G3

Location: Northern Africa
Climate:Arid and Hot
Characteristics: Sand Dunes,Rocky Hills, and stretches of gravel for miles
Live: Few people live here because its to hot and no water
Work: No jobs,No vegetation, and some nomads and hearders
Travel:Its very difficult because of the heat.Nomads use camels but most people use planes

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Location: South of the Sahara
Climate: Dry, simi-arid region. Very little rain, 6-20 inches of rain a year 
Characteristics: Flat, few mountains and hills. Vegetation is sparse(scattered)
Live: People have tried to live here but because of deforestation, soil erosion people move because of the drought and famine
Work: Farming and livestock raising have pretty much ended because of deforestation
Travel: There is not a lot of travel because of the climate. People have to walk for miles for water

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Location: Near equator, covers almost half of the country\
Climate: Hot and Dry grassland and rainy seasons
Characteristics: Enough rain to support drought. Grasses are tall and thick, while tress are short and scattered
Live: Most people live in villages along the river
Work: Farming is good, mining and raising livestock
Travel: Roads are being built to connect major areas, it is destroying wildlife
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  Rain Forest

Location: Central coast of Africa near the equator. It touches 37 countries
Climate: Hot, humid climate, 70 inches of rain a year
Characteristics: Trees are so thick and trees grow hundreds of feet tall
Live: Provides foods and water to 75 million people
Work: Jobs are found in agriculture mining and timber
Travel: Roads are poorly maintained, traveling is difficult in this area
Image result for rainforest in africa

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

African Water Pollution SS7G2

Many countries in Africa do  not have enough clean water, even the ones that have large rivers.African countries have the problem of increasing pollution from factories and contamination from animals and human waste. Overpopulation and poor sanitation regulations have made life along Africa's water sources difficult . Clean water is needed for basic health and sanitation. Lack of clean water to wash with increases the frequency of skin and eye infections. People who are not able to have access to clean water are at risk for many water-borne diseases that spread by parasites living in standing water. Some countries in Africa have tried to improve their economies by building factories.

Cause: Water is gross and poor and not healthy
Effect: It has killed people and given people diseases