Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Africa Desertification SS7G2

The Sahel is one part of Africa that is experiencing severe problems with Desertification, the process of the desert expanding into areas that had formerly been farmland. As land is overused, the soil becomes poor and powdery. The winds coming from the Sahara gradually blow the dry topsoil away, leaving a barren and rocky land that loses it ability to hold water.

Cause: Some areas of Africa are to hot
Effect: Africa is in danger of lots more desert land

Image result for desertification in africa

Image result for desertification in africa

Africa Deforestation SS7G2

As Africa's population increases and nations try to develop economically, deforestation has become a growing concern. Deforestation is the process of forests being destroyed to make way for human development. The main cause of deforestation in Africa's rain forests today is commercial logging. the timber from the rain forest is exported all over the world and helps boost the economy of many African countries. Unfortunately, the environment, is destroying as a result.

Cause: People are cutting down tress for commercial logging in the Tropical Rain Forest.
Effect: Its hurting the nature around it and less Rain Forest then the less medicine it also hurts the amount of oxygen.

Image result for deforestation in africa

Image result for deforestation in africa

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Africa Poor Soil SS7G2

Over a thousand years, hunting, gathering, grazing animals, and small scale farming have made Africa's soil very poor. It started when the European countries took over Africa in the 1800s. they started to export on a large scale. They exported natural resources such as rubber, ivory, timber, and copper. It put Africa into a fragile ecosystem. today most of Africa soil is less fertile then the soil found in other continents.

Infertile soils add to several other problems too. For example, slash-and-burn agriculture is used because of low soil productivity. In this type of agriculture, poor farmers continually clear land which helps speed up deforestation and desertification.

Cause: Europeans took over the land and did there own thing.
Effect: That the soil is so poor in some places that people can't grow cro

Image result for africa poor soil

Image result for africa poor soil

Friday, October 23, 2015

Africa physical notes SS7G1

Description: The Sahara is the world's largest desert
Location: North Africa and Sub-Sahara Africa

Description: The African savannas are hot and dry grasslands
Location: Located near equator and covers almost half of Africa

  Congo River
Description: The Congo River is the second largest river in Africa. Its 3,000 miles long
Location: Located in the Western central Africa

Description: It is a dry semi arid region that is slowly turning into a desert
Location: Located South of the Sahara

  Tropical Rain Forest
Description: It is the second largest Rain Forest in the world
Location: Its located along the central coast of Africa near the equator. It lies in the Congo River Basin

  Niger River
Description:3rd largest river in Africa. 2,600 miles long
Location: Located in Western Africa

  Nile River
Description: Its the longest river in the world. Over 4,150 miles long. Good water way for transporting goods and people
Location: Located in Eastern Africa

  Lake Victoria
Description: Millions of people live near Lake Victoria. Its the largest lake in Africa. Second Largest lake in the world
Location: Central Africa and extends into 3 countries

  Kalahari Desert
Description: Because of the underground water, things are able to live in Kalahari
Location: Southwest Africa

  Lake Tanganyika
Description: Largest freshwater lake in the world and the deepest
Location: Central Africa

  Atlas Mountains
Description: they separate the coastal regions from the Sahara Desert
Loacation: North Africa

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Africa Physical features SS7G1

SaharaImage result for sahara africa

SavannaImage result for savanna

Congo RiverImage result for congo river

SahelImage result for sahel

Tropical Rain ForestImage result for tropical rainforest

Niger RiverImage result for niger river

Nile RiverImage result for nile river

Lake VictoriaImage result for lake victoria

Kalahari DesertImage result for Kalahari Desert

Atlas MountainsImage result for atlas mountains

Lake TanganyikaImage result for tanganyika lake