Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Africa Poor Soil SS7G2

Over a thousand years, hunting, gathering, grazing animals, and small scale farming have made Africa's soil very poor. It started when the European countries took over Africa in the 1800s. they started to export on a large scale. They exported natural resources such as rubber, ivory, timber, and copper. It put Africa into a fragile ecosystem. today most of Africa soil is less fertile then the soil found in other continents.

Infertile soils add to several other problems too. For example, slash-and-burn agriculture is used because of low soil productivity. In this type of agriculture, poor farmers continually clear land which helps speed up deforestation and desertification.

Cause: Europeans took over the land and did there own thing.
Effect: That the soil is so poor in some places that people can't grow cro

Image result for africa poor soil

Image result for africa poor soil

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